Armytech is specialized in overhaul of extremely rare old timer engines and gearboxes.
Ilja Sercl has been trained in engine building and overhaul by German Engineers who had been working during the Second World War for German engine productions. He is known as the leading engine specialist in the Czech Republic, building and inventing racing engines all his life and overhauling all kinds of rare, vintage engines including; motorcycle, car, and also truck and tank engines. There is almost nothing our workshophas not seen yet and definitely nothing we cannot overhaul.
Ilja Serc passed all his knowledge to his son Pavel Sercl who is running the workshop together with his father and a team of highly qualified engine enthusiasts.
With our engine museum as open knowledge base, we are preserving the know-how for future generations.
Actually all of the money we earn is being reinvested to save more historic engines from the scrapyard and give them a new home in our collection.